Fast food places are really not fast food

Something that irritate me, one of my pet peeves.
Fast food places are really not fast food, I go in I order say a 1/3 lbs hamburger with out mayo, onion or lettuces and a water to drink. The person behind the counter stands there staring at me like a deer in my headlights at night, not entering in anything. Then forms the words, would you like cheese on that, but yet up on the menu board just below the 1/3 lbs hamburger I just ordered is 1/3 lbs Cheeseburger, it seams to me that they are insinuating that I am as dumb as mud and can not read the words just below my choice that says Cheeseburger, or are they assuming that I do not know that cheeseburger means a burger with cheese on it and I really wanted a cheeseburger not the hamburger I ordered but was to dumb to know that. And so I half to restate that I meant what I said, a hamburger not a cheeseburger.
And as if the first questions was not irritating enough, the next question that always follows is, did you want a combo, again they must be thinking I am as stupid as a rock, because all over the menu board as well as on the hundreds of banners and signs are listed all 25 possible combo meals, and they are even numbered in a font 12 inches high to make it convent to order them, 1 through 25. But yet when I ordered I did not use one of their foot high numbers, and even said I wanted a water to drink which one would think to a normal intelligent person the would make it clear I did not want a comb that is identified by number and I would get a soft drink with. Are they assuming that I can not read, that I do not read numbers, that I really wanted a number 1 but could not read it, or could not pronounce the number 1. But never the less there they are, those time wasting questions that assume that I am as dumb as mud, one after another and all from a person that needs a computer register to tell me how much change to give me.
And top of all those I must be to dumb to order for myself questions, after this very irritating chain of unnecessary questioning, I have to order again because instead of entering in my order exactly as I ordered it when I ordered it, they stood there mind unengaged, so it takes three times a long as it should have to order my hamburger and water.
It should not be that hard to order a hamburger to go, take that long in a FAST food restaurant to get my order. That just irritates me to no end and I had to post this.
Labels: pet peeves, things that irritate me
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