Sunday, April 8, 2007

The right woman

I was thinking this morning on how our relationship with woman can affect a mans walk with God. A friend of mine who is in the beginning stages of divorcing his wife after a horrible 5 years he has had with her. Before his marriage he was a strong man of God, an example of a man of God that other guys desired to be like, but he made the fatal mistake of marry a girl who was not a woman of God but rather just another American Christian, you know born in America and confess Jesus is Lord and you are saved, attend church just long enough to get a mate.

But I discovered in my thinking on how there are two ways negatively a woman can effect us men, my friend was a pillar of a man of God before he hooked up with his soon to be x-wife, and how she very quickly brought him down to at best a novel Christian, a man who once walked boldly with God in an intimate relationship, someone who’s entire life was God, to become someone who hardly had time to even think about God let alone walk with Him. The relationship with her diminished, destroyed his relationship and walk with God, tempted him away to worship other god’s, her and materialism. Entering the relationship with her derailed his relationship with God, diverted his attention away from God and the things of God to the things she was all about, that she worshiped. She was a negative factor in him being a better man and a man of God, even a hindrance, a replacement for God and the things of God.

Me on the other hand, I was a prodigal son, not walking with God, enjoying the fruits of this world when I meet a Christian girl who also was a prodigal. And God used us in each other’s lives to bring us back to Himself; she was the love of my life. My love for her and her love for me made me want to be a better man, her quest to walk with God fuelled my desire to become a man of God also. Our relationship freed me up to have the time to seek and serve God. I was not consumed with finding a relationship with a girl, submerged in the single life taking up all my time to play and seek out intimate relationships. But was loved and had someone to love and could devote my time to the things of God, freed up from the single seen I could be part of couples who where focused on God and serving Him. She was the fire that made me seek to be a better man and man of God, but when our relationship ended it derailed my relationship with God, it severely damaged my walk with Him for many reasons. She was a positive factor in my wanting to both be a better man and be a man of God. She pointed me to God and the things of God.

So here are two examples how being in a relationship with one woman hindered, even destroyed a man’s relationship with God, and another, fostered my relationship with God and how the loss of that woman damaged my relationship with God. One the woman lead the man away to worship foreign gods the other lead me to worship The God. One made him less of a man due to her treatment of him, the other made me not only a better man, but gave me the desire to strive to be a even better man every day because of her treatment of me.

Men we must be very careful in the woman we chouse to be with, they are key in the course of not only our lives but also our relationship with God.

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