Water for life

I was looking to by a new water filter, but I hesitated to do so and began to think about how Americans spend something like a average of $50 a month on bottled water. Even though according to a news report that in a taste test that almost everyone pick tap water as the best tasting compared to the leading bottled waters, as well according to all lab testing that there is really no health benefit in drinking bottled water over tap water (except spring water) bottled water is just city water ran trough another filter. And then I began to think of how may around the word have no clean water source at all, that drink contaminated water resulting in sickness, disease and even death. And that how by opting not to by the filter at $12 and drinking just strait clean healthy tap water I could provide clean water to a poor community somewhere. Then I researched it and found out the facts, that Every 15 seconds, a child dies because of a lack of clean drinking water. That is 10,000 children per day, or 4 million per year.
And since I am looking for everyway I can give more, do more for the needy, I am opting to give my $12 to help buy filters for a place somewhere in the world that they might have clean, dirt and disease-infested free water to drink and I stick with good old tap water.
Those of you who do bottled water you would be amazed at how may lives you can save by giving that $50 to water projects. You say you don’t do bottled water, what about all that pop you drink, that colored sugar chemical junk that is bad for you and will lead to diabetes, weight gain and do many other bad things to your body. There is nothing good in it for you, it is nothing but bad for you. So why not give up the $50 you spend on it a month and drink tap water instead, become healthier and save many lives every month, including your own.
You say you cant or will not give up your bottled water or pop, OK then how about matching what you spend on it and giving it. If 1 million people where to give the 50 dollars a month, that would be fifty million a month if 10 million gave it would be 500 million a month and in a year or two there would be no place on earth that did not have clean drinkable water and millions of lives would be saved.
Will you drink clean tap water so that a child like in the photo can have clean water to drink?
Check out these sites to see what you can do. http:
Labels: clean water, needy, poor, Water for life, world hunger
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