Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Child like

I brought a friend of mine to the IHOP (International House of Prayer) service this past Sunday for his first visit and as we where leaving his 2 year old daughter in her class there was another 2 to 3 year old boy sitting on the floor crying his heart out. He was inconsolably, no one could get him to stop crying, he wanted his parents, he was unable to function without them near by him. He refused to be consoled, to participate with the other children, to even play, to be function in life until he was back in the presents of his parents.

When we returned to the sanctuary I though about that little boy and it came to me that perhaps that is part of what Jesus meant when He said we must become like little children to enter the Kingdom of God. That just like that little boy we to are inconsolable, unable, and unwilling to function when we are not in the presents of God. That if any time during the day we brake off communion with God, move out of His presents. Allow anything to come between us and God that we to become so upset that we like that little boy must fall to our knees and cry until we are back in His presents. That we to refuse to be comforted by any other thing in this world or any other person, that only our Fathers presents will satisfy us. Only when we are back in His present will we return to participating in life, because we dare not do so without Him, without being in His loving presents, with out His protecting presents with us. Only them do we feel safe to be in this world.

Maybe that is why Jesus said only children really understand how to enter the Kingdom of God, how to be a child of God. Can you function in life with out the presents of God, in constant communing with Him? Do you even aware if you are in His presents or not? Are you unwilling to go even 5 minutes in your day with out His presents, in communion with Him? Or do other things satisfy you so much that you don’t even notice if you are in Him or not, or that you don’t even need Him really to function in your daily life? These are question I well ask myself, I seek to become like that little boy, that I must be in the presents of my heavenly Father to live my daily life or I too will stop everything and cry out for Him and will not go on until I am back in communion with Him, walking in His very presents.

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