Some may think that the missional conversation is just a lot of talk, just a new way of saying the same thing about evangelism. Causing many to wonder if the difference between being missional and being evangelistic is just a matter of semantics. The biggest difference of a missional church is seen in the ongoing work of the leaders of the to continuously keep the church rooted in its purpose to take the gospel to the world. The Church and Christian have for too long lost sight of their personal responsibility to share the gospel with the world. For example, church is typically defined in one of several ways: "Church as a place: For many people, church is a place you go. It is a facility, a campus or a building. The common phrase, “I’m going to church” summarizes this view. When a person is at the building or facility, they are at church. The implication is that when they are not at the building, they are not at church.
Church as an event or spiritual activities: For others, church is something that happens. Church is defined by worship services, Bible studies, prayer meetings or other ministries. Again the implication is that when one is not engaged in one of these events or activities, they are no longer doing or having church.
Church as associated with a person: For others, church is an organization associated with a pastor or Christian leader. For example, people often say things like, “I go to Mark Driscoli’s church” or “I attend Rick Warren’s church.”
Church as offering programs or services: For others, church is determined by what the organization offers to meet needs such as youth programs, music programs, marriage groups, fellowship, discipleship, mission opportunities, etc."
However, in a missional fellowship, the church is understood to be God’s sent missionary people. “That means when everything is stripped away – the building, the events, the activities, the leaders, and other identifying markers for the church – the people are the church and church is the people.” As a missional community, evangelism is the work and lfe of every Christ-follower. Evangelism and mission is no longer seen as a program or one purpose among others. Mission becomes the identity of the body. The church is not the sender but the one that is being sent.
Missional church is a paradigm switch from internal focus to external focus, a switch form self interest programs and events, making church a place to serve me and my needs, to one of outward focus, joining God in His work and going outside the walls to meet others and their needs, take God and the Gospel to the world instead of a wait for them to come mentality.
To where in most churches evangelism and mission is a program, extension, project or special event of the church. Evangelism has the tendency of becoming what some people in the church do, instead of being the very nature of the church. Children ministries, youth groups, Sunday Schools, and small groups have the tendency of becoming places of growth but they do not embody any sense of “mission” as a reason for their existence, they are solely internally focused while claiming to be outward focused, it never leaves the room.
Mission and evangelism becomes a program or ministries of the church. In this midset the church often becomes the place that Christianity "happens". Programs and ministries are formed to attract members and attendees. There is little engagement with the lost world outside of the church facility, just a lot of talk about doing it. Most of the emphasis is placed on ministering to Christians at best. In this system, which is driven by Christian consumerism, many lose sight of the fact that they are sent to be on mission each day and that the Holy Spirit wants to empower them to be missionaries to their city.
In the era of “movements,” missional is often looked upon as just another program to be used. But being missional is more than just another movement or program, it is a return to a biblical understanding of who the Church of Christ is and what it is called to be and do. At its core, missional is a shift in thinking that fosters a change in the functions of the church. Making this shift can be difficult for many who are accustomed to a church that is driven by a consumer mentality; i.e. seeker senitive, we exist to get as many people in attendance as we can and meet whatever felt needs they have. We must enertain them to get them in and keep them coming back.
The missional church fosters an understanding that each and every member of the church is on mission in the world and a missionary in their culture. That is what Jesus had in mind when he commanded us to go make disciples. In a missional church, mission/evangelism is not seen as one of the many purposes of the church. In a missional church, but the purpose of our existence in the world is our participation in the missio Dei, i/e/ mission of God. Christ did not die on the cross to heal our inner man, to prosper us and make us healthy and wealthy, to aid us in our self-actualization and self-fulfillment. Christ died to redeem us from hell and to Go, to send us out to tell others the good news. When a person joins a missional church they are told from day one that the church exists as a missional community and they are invited to join them in reaching their city for Christ Jesus the Lord. The missional church makes evangelism and participation in the shared missionary purpose of the church a foundational understanding of all members.
And all of this applies to one's personal life also, rather one is living missionally or not, that is living a self focused or external focused life, or rather one Is the church or attends church. If one defines Go as only me going to church to be served and have my needs meet or maybe at best servering other Christians at church, or Go as going into the world to take and to incarnate the Gospel to others, the unsaved, the lost, the needy, the poor and destitute, the prostitutes, the sinners and serve them and meet their needs and tell the Gospel to them like Jesus did and commanded His people to do as He did. It comes down to is it is a paid "professionals" job to do the things of God, or mine, every ones job to Go and do. Is church a place I go or something I am?