What do I do

I have been thinking lately about titles, vocations, how in the US that identifies who you are, an accountant, carpenter, lawyer or nurse. And that somehow that sums up who you are, the sum of your existence. I have never liked that, how could a job title sum up who you are, an programmer or cook sum up who one is, that is ones job define your existence and purpose in life, aren’t we more that the some of how we make money.
So that being the case in America, that our job tile determines who we are, our purpose on earth. And even more than that our social status, after all a lawyer is of far more importance and value than a dishwasher. So armed with this fact I am on the quest to come up with my job title, since that is what people are going to define me by, attach my value as a person to.
So to day I decided that I am a Maitre d, that is my job, vocational title for today. I am a Maitre d, why because my job is to invite others to my Fathers for a dinner banquet, a feast ment for a King. I am to go out into the steets and invite as many as I can find, to bring in the poor, maimed, blind, and lame and escort them to their seat at the banquet that He is giving. So if any ask me what I do, I’m a Maitre d, so maybe there is something to you are what you do, your job title defines you, maybe the problem is that people just pick the wrong titles, the wrong vocation to identify themselves with, it’s not the work you do to make money that defines you, but rather the job title God give us for our work for Him. Maited d, I like that, that is who I am, a Maitre d for the marriage feast of the King.
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