Christ-Like, really?
As Christians, those in our midst interpret everything about us, what we do, how we speak with an intense scrutiny. And these messages that we emit "cues." Cues are things that others recognize and interpret as a character trait, intention, subtle message or passed judgment. We rarely think of every action as a "cue" left for others to interpret, and because of that in-attention, we leave ourselves open to mis-interpretation. Cues require that we must be very self-aware of every aspect of our lives, our words and deeds or lack of them.
As Christians we are particularly susceptible to cues, being the title comes from a Greek word meaning Christ-like, that was given to followers of Christ because they imitated the life of Christ right down to being crucified for living like Him. A simple act of neglect such as doing nothing to help the poor can may be perceived by others as an indication that Jesus cares nothing for them. After all your are claming to be Christ-like, therefore everything you do is suppose to be what He did, what He cares about. Not being a forgiving person gives the impression that God is not forgiving, after all your actions are an imitation of His. Not loving other, particularly the poor, needy, orphaned and sinners, if you are Christ-like then you are saying Christ does not love them, so how can you preach the gospel, claim John 3:16 is true when you being like Him do not love them as they are, you are a contradiction to them.
The way you speak to everyone, how you teat others, is processed with scrutiny, who you chose to talk with, be with, love, help, befriend. Cues can quickly ruin a Christian’s reputation and ultimately their witness, but most of all it tarnishes God’s, teaches others things about Him that are not true, makes the scriptures a book of lies, after all if you are Christ like, an imitation of who He is, and it does not match what the scriptures say, one of you is untrue, one is a lie, and the world is left confused and dismayed with God and Christianity.But cues are managed by self-awareness, by truly becoming Christ-like, loosing your life in Him, exchanging you life for His, after all that is the biblical definition of who a Christian is, one who imitates the person and life of Jesus.
Labels: christian, Christian living, Christian walk, Jesus, live like Jesus