Beat the Coke Truck

“Reports have been circulating that the Coca-Cola International Corporation has a business plan with a goal of being able to get a cold Coke within one mile of every person on earth by the year 2020.”
In The January-February issue of Mission Frontiers Magazine that I received in the mail there is an article by Steve Schadrach states that some of his co-workers are “use this company’s goal to motivate Christians to get the gospel within a mile of every human being [some don't know there is a Jesus to believe in] . . . . Although God has supplied us with infinitely more resources (than Coca-Cola has) to get His message out, are we as committed to seeing our job finished as they are?” They came up with the name “Beat the Coke Truck” and use Coke’s company vision and put the Gospel within a mile of every human being.
I agree with their challenge, because Coke’s vision also fits well with mine, is similar to Mission Frontiers, I want to put a church on every street, that Christians would be the church instead of going to church, and the each one would be the church in their neighborhood. That there would be a community of faith, a house church in every neighborhood, on every street in our city, nation and the world. That every disciple of Jesus would live sent, be on mission taking the gospel to the world, that they would be taking Jesus to work, to school to every place their foot steps. My vision is a Christian who is living sent and as the Church be in every neighborhood, thereby every one would be a house away, a cubical a way, a desk a way from the gospel, from the church.
Labels: be the church, live sent, marrage, missio dei, missional living
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