Missio Dei

Missio Dei (God's mission in the world). God himself is on a mission to restore (i.e. "reconcile") all of creation, God's purposes for the world is reconciliation not condemnation at this time, place in eternity, He is on a mission to save, restore and heal man, to call unto Himself His prodigal creation, mankind. And God's people (i.e. the church) are to embody and to bear witness to this, His love, grace, mercy and forgiveness. The church is not so much a rescue station for the lost as it is a demonstration of God's saving purposes in Christ. The church is a servant of the Gospel; she is the Gospel in action, in human flesh just as Jesus was. Chosen to bless the whole world and be a sign of God's past, present, and future activity. This implies followers of Jesus are not called to go on a mission for God; they are called to join God in His ongoing mission. This was the central theme of Jesus' life, teaching and ministry: the Kingdom of God. This is the mission of each follower of Christ, of the church.
Church is not about being an entertainment center, a set of self-help-programs, a warm and fuzzy place for believers to hide from the world, a great show and set of programs to invite un-saved people to.
But an open demonstration ('A city on a hill") of God purpose for reconciliation of man to Himself, of His Kingdom, of a life lived with Him, a community so radical different from the world, the living out of love for one another like none has seen in the world, forgiveness on a God level that demonstrates the total, unconditional forgiveness of God for anything.And it is going out, in motion with God, demonstrating Gods pursuit of the lost, His prodigal son, bring reconciliation and healing to those in need, going into the darkest places, just like Jesus, gong to the prostitutes, the poor, the dying, the drug dealers, your co-workers, neighbors and the strangers. Any thing less is, different is not the Church, not Missio Dei.
Labels: missio dei, missioanl, missional church, missional living